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VinPilot Temperature & Winery Management Software

An entire cellar management program is available for the oenologist using the VinPilot® Profi -Manager. Temperatures are visible and programmable also independently on every tank in the winery which makes VinPilot® a highly comfortable and safe choice. 

Advanced software allows several users to manage all winemaking steps from their PC, notebook or iPad/iPhone. On request, data can be exported to an existing SCADA-system.

In addition to storing the fermentation and sugar curves, all relocations, blends and other treatments can be documented via a mouse click, thereby managing the entire traceability of the production steps. The clear process and batch management enables you to go back to stored data and curves at any time. In the overviews of the batches you can recall all wines and the connected processes.

By a few easy steps the operator can create their own cellar, allowing an optimal overview. In addition to the connected tanks, other storage and fermentation tanks can be designed. The operator has the possibility to manage all data and treatments until the wine is bottled.

Using the cellar-layout the operator can quickly get an overview of all tanks. All important information is evident immediately because it is shown in the graphic representation of the tanks. With a mouse click on a “tank” a separate window for the batch is opened into which the entries are made and where the fermentation can be started.


In addition to several alternatives of fermentation, VinPilot® Profi enables the operator to control red wine processes, the cellar climate and the micro-macro oxygenation as well as the refrigerating unit. Other future processes can be integrated: 

  • Regulation due to a fixed temperature setting
  • Temperature control due to a pre-set temperature-curve
  • Fermentation according to sugar consumption (via CO2)
  • Cycle control (e.g. for automated pump-over)
  • Control of micro-macro oxygenation
  • Climate control in your cellar (temperature and humidity)


Search boxes support the user in finding wines even after a longer time period. Complete and clear reports of the batches as well as the fermentation curves can be printed via the integrated print module. Additionally the export of single batch records up to the entire overview of the cellar is easily achieved. 

The following information can be extracted:

  • Record of the providers of your grapes
  • Management of blends
  • Chronicle about wine movements (e.g. racking)
  • Documentation about all treatments of the wine
  • Record of all analysis of a specified batch
  • Batch management for traceability
  • All data relevant for a batch can be printed
  • Exportable batch lists

 VINPILOT – INTELLIGENT FERMENTATION - Fermentation according to the sugar consumption

Already the possibility of fermenting due to pre-set temperature curves and to record them is an interesting feature. However, every oenologist has always wished to have a fermentation control depending on decreasing density or on the sugar level. During the past years WFT have developed an easy but accurate principle and combined it with professional software into a system ready for use.

With fermentation according to CO2 the temperature is adjusted automatically in dependence on the fermentation velocity. If the required fermentation rate is not reached, the system gives an alarm and adequate actions can be taken to prevent a stop of fermentation. This leads to a very gentle fermentation and moreover offers the possibility to ferment also at low temperatures without any risk.


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