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Round Casks by Mastro Bottaio

Casks made with European quarted rifted oak (French and Slavonian),

Seasoned for 48 to 52 months

52mm thick for vats up to 1500lts, 55mm for vats from 2000lt to 3500lt and 60mm thick for the 4000lt, 5000lt and 6000lt versions

Volumes available:

500lt, 600lt, 700lt, 800lt, 1000lt, 1200lt, 1500lt, 2000lt, 2500lt, 3000lt, 3500lt, 4000lt, 5000lt & 6000lt


4 ways wooden craddles
Oval s/steel Door with flush base
Top Manway 150mm
Partial and or Total Drain
Sample Tap, Thermometer, Ladder
Permanent Cooling Pipes
Painted Hoops